Automatic ultrasonic height and weight blood pressure measuring scale HW-900B,which adopts imported ultrasonic sensor of height measuring and high precision aviation sensor of weight measuring.
This instrument can measure height and weight automatically,the results can be displayed from LED screen and broadcasted and thermal printed with automatically cut papper .
The bottom of scale operates wheels,which can be moved easily.
The measurement date connection automatic quickly,which can be the best ultrasonic height and weight examination instrument.
Operation mode:automatic,manual.Height measurement:Ultrasonic precision ranging,the United States original detector, automatic temperature supplement.
Body weight measurement: aviation instrument level pressure sensor,precision measurement of body weight. Body type: international Body type Index BMI. Blood pressure measurement: Omron arm sphygmomanometer.
Standby automatic display:indoor temperature,time. Display mode: host LED screen,optional multimedia advertising screen. It also showed that height,weight ,BMI and body type .